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Normal process is to chat over the phone for an informal chat, I can also meet you in person if possible. During the chat I will gather as much information from you as I can. I specialise in creating race specific plans formulated to help you achieve a goal, be it a pb or simply getting through your first 10k or half marathon. Also if you just wish to run for fun but  wish to learn how to schedule your runs and distances I can help you with that too.

Once a target is set I like to send an athlete one weeks training at a time, rarely will I send the entire plan in one go. This is because I like constant contact with an athlete as we train day to day.


This enables me to create each weeks training for you depending on how things are going. As you may have learnt, there are so many unplanned influences that can effect an athlete during a training campaign, making it tough to stick perfectly to a plan. Hence why I like to communicate on a regular basis and help you rather than just sending you a long term plan and leaving you to it! That would not be ideal coaching!

And remember, I am an 80/20 coach, so the chances are that I will make your overall training easier because I will slow your running down. Thus keeping you fresher and enabling you to race faster!

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